Ondwela Raluombe is a visionary and innovative young lady who chose to pursue Biology as a career because coming from a disadvantaged community, she noticed that many people in her community have the tendency to suffer from sicknesses/ illnesses that affect their health and wellbeing leading to drastic cases such as organ failures. She saw the need that villagers have no means of medical support. That being put on the organ donor waiting list, one will wait and possibly die while waiting for a donor to be available. She contemplated that if one is infected with such drastic diseases/ illnesses the only option is amputation, leaving people devastated. She, therefore, came up with ideas of inventing technological organs in support of bringing hope and confidence back into the lives of those who lost their organs due to medical issues. Ondwela being so young to have such a creative perspective is most inspiring and empowering in finding solutions to helping others. We will continue to expose her to opportunities that accommodate her dream of inventing technological organs for those in disadvantaged areas.
David Kativu is a young man who is most passionate about Microbiology. His love for biology encourages him to choose to study it even further by doing research and studying more about microbes. We are sure that in the future he will become one of the scientists who will create solutions to viruses and illnesses by creating vaccines. In the PCR lab area, Ms. Inno delightfully mentored David through the processes she implements on a day-to-day base. She ensured that he shadows her and provided him with all information he needed.
Angella, David, and Ondwela were taken to the
Quality Control lab by Ms. Pula who passionately mentored the learners, talking about all things Biology.
In the Sequencing Lab, Ms. Stella was
awesome in allowing our young girls to have an experience in pipping some water
into the tubes as a way to help them have practical knowledge of how it will
feel to pipe in actual microbes. What an awesome way to help spark in more passion and interest.
This was an exceptionally extraordinary and productive initiative that added value to the career dreams of our young ones. We are confident that this experience empowered the learners to commit themselves to work even harder towards their studies to become professionals in the near future.
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