We need to change our bad habits that prevent us from growing and bringing quality into our own lives or the lives of others. We need to change our mentality from ideas that prevent enhancement and fulfillment.

Why do we fear so much to tap into the unknown, to challenge the unknown and only settle within the safety of the routine? Why do we fear so much to chase after our own destiny? Why do we fear our fellow brothers or sisters from being so much better than us? Why do we sideline those that are different from us? Why do we not want to associate with the different and only surround ourselves with the familiar?

Is it because we want to fit in amongst the group so that we can remain to be relevant? Well, allow me to share with you some sentiments my fellow brothers and sisters, “trying” to be relevant or to “fit in” comes at a cost. A cost of an unfulfilled life at the expense of your happiness. The mentality of not trying to be different suppresses the way you do things and respond to things. It influences you to remain within your comfort zone and not want to challenge the norm.

Such a mentality is like cancer that grows without a symptom and only recognized at a later stage when it is too late to cure. No one wants to find themselves reaching an age of regret of unfulfilled plans. Being in your “comfort zone” can become dangerous, as it can make one allow unhealthy treatment at work or within their relationships. You will not want to challenge the bad treatment because you will not be familiar with what is best for you. You will not want to question unhealthy situations and you will prefer to endure and hope for a better day to come.

If you find yourself amongst a group of 30 people who share the same responsibility, try to be that one person that stands out to be remembered as an individual rather than just “them”. Being different is so beautiful as it makes “you” unique. If you are being yourself and it makes others respond negatively it is okay, you were born to be different. People tend to feel intimidated by those who are different to them, those who take risks or challenge systems. It is because you are familiar with whom you are and what your value is. When you are being yourself and it results in you being different, do not worry if it sieves those around you. It is destiny attracting you to the life you were meant to live and it shall reward you with those who will add value into your life.

When you are yourself completely, you live a life of fulfillment.
 You become open minded and you become happy for others success. 
You give positively and you attract positive things.
We can never live our lives based on the satisfactory of other people’s egos or expectations. We can only live for ourselves. 

Being you is a blessing indeed and it all starts with your mentality.
Staying true to yourself purifies your mind, body, and soul.

...so be you...

Stay blessed



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